Rückblick Gruppenreise Philippinen 2019

Auf der Suche nach dem Anglerfisch und vielem Neuem, ging unsere erste Gruppenreise mit Abdo und Erik auf die Philippinen. Abdo wurde voll unterstützt von Erik K F Goossens, ein langjähriger Gast von uns, Philippinenkenner, Unterwasserfotograf und guter Freund der Ocean Window Family.


Fast all der wundervollen Fotos wurden von Erik gemacht (www.ekfg.ch)


Und nun schildert uns Abdo selber, wie die Reise sich für ihn "angefühlt" hat. Viel Spass beim Lesen >>>

Abdo: "I am not sad because our trip to the Philippines is finished, I am happy because it happened.


Such an amazing trip to another part of the world, stunning nature above and below the surface.


It started with being a bit nervous before my first international flight ever :)
It took me from Port Ghalib to Malapascua Island about 37 hours: using 1 bus, 1 taxi, 3 planes, 1 limousine and 1 ferry. :D 


The next morning, I jumped in the water for a thresher shark dive and after 10 years and about 3500 dives only in the red sea, I was very curious to see how do they look in another sea!


Warm water, good visibility and couple of thresher sharks circling around us in different sizes, on the sandy bottom under our boat was a sea horse, a ghost pipe fish and different types of nude branches, so I was already like how come all of that in one dive!


Erik replied, "wait it can get even better"!


In the afternoon it was time for some frog fish diving, which personally is a very special fish to me. We were lucky because May is a good season to see them, and we had about 5 frog fishes in that dive!!


Malapascua was amazing island to dive at that time of the year, variety of seeing early morning the sharks and in the afternoon macro diving .


We moved to another island for a long day traveling but a lot of fun with the group, called negros island Dauin area, mostly shore diving which is perfect for macros, also we drove out to apo island with the amazing reef formations and the amount of soft corals which is perfect for turtles, and giant frog fish.


When Florian, one the dive instructor there, asked me about how was the dive, I replied to him "all these things under there are not real which you placed it yourself, and you go change their batteries everyday, right?"  Hahaha, he was laughing a lot :D


Stunning shore Night dives which you can see A LOT :) At one of the evenings Erik could organized a frog fish seminar,
we discussed alot about this very special fish, it was great.


We also had fun having dinner sometimes outside the resort at fin bar, very nice food and lots of divers around from all over the world discussing what they saw during the day of that amazing UW life.


The team of Dive Society did a great job, as it's also hard life work for them, was surprised to know that its forbidden to build a jetty on the beach so they had to carry everything back and forward, they were very helpful, fun with the guests as well.

For me it was very special experience, the travelling and the diving. Plus having everything in green that was also very special. 


I would like to thank Erik and the all group for that amazing time, and I would definitely recommend this diving destination to all divers that loves macros and sure the thresher sharks :)



Dieses Video wurde von Abdo Abozaid erstellt. Sein erstes Filmprojekt. Dafür gibt es ein "Thumb up". Oder was meint ihr?

Vielen Dank Abdo und alle Teilnehmer.

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Kommentare: 2
  • #1

    Erik (Montag, 27 Mai 2019 20:00)

    And all it really needed to make Abdo happy was a DOUBLE WHOPPER at Manila Airport's Burger King ???


    What a great trip. Looking forward for the next one that will take us to NEGROS ISLAND in 2020... Stay tuned for more info and do join if you're out for some 'Philippine fun' with the Ocean Window Team !

  • #2

    Fredi und Nadja (Mittwoch, 29 Mai 2019 14:49)

    This wonderful pictures can say more than 1000 words. Thank's to Erik (soooo perfect), Abdo, Werner and his Teams - and especally to Oceanwindows for the possibility to make it happen!!